Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Listening to Your Bird

Is your parrot trying to tell you something about his diet? My conure and I are working on learning colors (red, yellow, blue, green, brown and white). Not only are these the colors of his plumage, but these are the colors I see when I go to the produce aisle. Now I know that a banana and an orange are different, but in the wild I would only need to know they are shades of yellow and they are edible.

Next time you are playing with your parrot, take notice of what colors he is drawn to. My conure kept picking his favorite color "yellow" this week during play time (He picks the color and I say what it is.) So this week when I went to the grocery, I picked up those colors (squash and orange) to make his kabobs-and our sides and snacks.

They were a success! This actually broke the blueberry and corn routine I had been on for the past week. Thats when I realized my conure had been "off" his fruit that week. In his own way,  he essentially told me what he needed; all I had to do was listen.

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